Electrostatic precipitatorsOperating principle: The device generates an electrical field, which electrically charges dust particles or the oil droplets and aerosols forming a colloidal mixture with air (tar, asphalt mist, cold smoke, casting fumes, oil mist, emulsion mist, fumes from plastics, printing ink, rubber fumes, cooking fumes or mist, welding fumes, and the fumes from oxidation by-products) which are then attracted to the electrode with the opposite charge, where they are deposited. The solid and liquid components are extracted from the airflow and end up in the collector (collection unit) placed behind the ioniser. Structure: Electrostatic precipitators are generally modular, with several similar units being placed adjacent to or on top of one another. The airflow carrying the substance to be filtered first passes through a pre-filter which filters out large particles ( > 2 µm ). The air then enters the separator (or ioniser), where the above processes take place (aerosols between 0.6 µm and 3 µm are filtered out, corresponding to filter class F5 (EN 770)). From there, the air passes to the collector, which filters out particles smaller than 0.8 µm, equal to a class F9 filter (EN 779). Additional mechanical filter cartridges can be added to the system (filter class H13, HEPA filters), but since this system provides a very high degree of filtration (96-99%), this last insert is optional. With the exception of HEPA filters, all elements can be cleaned and reused, which is the best solution as regards environmental protection. However, responsible treatment of the removed particles must be provided for. By filtration format: ♦ tube By airflow direction: ♦ vertical By charge and filtration location: ♦ one or By cleaning method: ♦ dry The equipment can even be used to separate nanoparticles (< 0.001 μm).
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